Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Festivities

Hey there! So this weekend was pretty eventful for Kelly and I. I was off on Friday so I was able to lounge around the house for a good part of the day. We had people over on Thursday night to watch the Penns game and to drink some brew dogs, ice cold style...bahaha. I was glad I got to sleep in on Friday morning, unlike Kelly and the rest of the boys! Friday night we went down to Fredericksburg to celebrate Mikey's 27th birthday. Kirsten had a surprise party for him with his band members, Kel & I, and his brother and his girlfriend. It was fun, Mike played his band's new demo and it was pretty badass dude, I think you would like it. He can sing really well. Saturday, as you know, was BIG MAMA's birthday!!! She went to a winery with Jerry early in the day and then Kel and I cooked her dinner, it was a lot of fun. I think she really enjoyed herself, despite missing you like crazy. Kelly and I got her a wine "bouquet" as a gift; we went to Total Wine in Springfield and got her this stand for the kitchen that holds 6 wine bottles. Yep, we filled all the holders up and had a partay! Kelly grilled her a filet for dinner, she actually ate the whole thing....and get this ....he got her to try a bite of his steak, MEDIUM RARE. I know right? We were all thinking the same thing, "there is no way!!!" We had cake and a cheers to Mom and Justin's dad who was celebrating his birthday as well, only he was not with us, he was up in Ohio.

Another shocking thing from the night, MOM CLEANED THE DISHES!!!! I went upstairs to try and get pap to come down for cake, he originally said that he didn’t have enough energy to get down the stairs.....however, when I said, "Mom is actually doing dishes" Pap was like "I have to see this...let me go pee and I will be down" HAHAHAHAHA So he came down and I got him a glass of Moscato and a piece of cake, then the drunken stories spilled on out. I was really happy that he made it down, I know it made mom happy. Blair made a really great home-made cake, it was a lemon cake with butter cream icing. We jammed to Rush and mom told me that you, Pinky and Paxton went to see them live a few years ago. I had no idea!! Kelly was super stoked to hear that, so he turned it up and we all started dancing, then Mama started to tear we switched it to some other music. We ended the night with Mom, Blair and I out on the back deck with all the balloons and we did a cheers to you and let the balloons go. Did you get them!?! We figure that instead of popping them, LIKE YOU ALWAYS USED TO DO (GRRRRR!!), we would send them up to you....for your popping pleasure. Te-he ;-) Over all a great night Daddy, wish you were there!!
Sunday, yesterday, was relatively quiet and uneventful...I went and spent about $500 on new work clothes for spring, a new Cuisine art knife set for the kitchen and some undies from Victoria Secret (your favorite eye-candy store!) Hahaha I just remembered all the times when we would walk past the store in the mall when we were kids and you would always go, "Wooooo look at them hotties!" Blair and I used to get suuuuper mad! You would always say "I am just looking!!!" Hahaha good times. Anyway, I got home and then watched some TV, hung out with the pups and Kel, cooked some dinner and then called it a night. We made a pork tenderloin, apple-smoked and bacon flavored. SO GOOD! Kelly is such a great cook, just like you!
Alright Daddy J, I am at work, but I wanted to give you a week-end update! Enjoy your day, talk you in a bit. LOVE AND MISS YOU!

Just in case you don't believe me,
I cook all the time now!

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