Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April Showers

Today was definitely one of those days that I wish I could spend in bed, eating ice-cream and watching trash television. After traffic last night, I was not thrilled to sit in traffic yet again this morning. A storm is looming and I know that the commute home is going to be a chaotic disarray of idiots who spaz as soon as a drop of rain hits the asphalt on the beloved interstate that we call, I95. Can you sense the sarcasm? :-) I know what you are thinking...."shouldn’t of moved down to Stafford...." yeah yeah yeah....

On a happier note, the weather has started to warm up. Yesterday I believe the high was a record-breaking 83 degrees. It made sitting in traffic a little more pleasant, windows and sunroof were open/down and I was listening to your playlist! I got home and went to the gym while Kelly took my grocery list to the store and got all our stuff for the week. I hate going to the grocery store, so I suckered him into it so that I could go to the gym and get a run in. He is too good to me! We got home around the same time and started cooking dinner. It was off the hook, Kel and I need to start our own cooking show, we are cute in the kitchen and we make an awesome team! I think you left me your kitchen talent because lately I have been like Emerald in the kitchen, no joke! Last night this is what we made together;

BBQ Chicken
Chopped Salad
Grilled Feta Green Beans

Ok, so it doesn’t look like much, but it was FAB-U-LOUS! I made the BBQ sauce using some recipe I fabricated on the fly. Ingredients include;

- Siracha for a little bit of spice
- Little bit of BBQ sauce we had from the fridge
- Emerald's "kick-it-up horseradish mustard"
- Dash of sugar to pacify the spiciness

I then used this ingenious device Craig got Kel and I for Christmas to make the Feta Green Beans while Kelly went out and grilled the BBQ chicken. I think it is called a Cuisine Art Panini Press/Grill. We have made some pretty appetizing concoctions with this thing!  We had some wine, watched Jeopardy and stuffed our face! Overall a pretty good dinner, def. will be making it again....thanks for the help ;-)

Well Dad, I have to get back to work, just wanted to say what's up! Talk to ya soon, love and miss you!


OH!!! P.S. Kelly wore your shirt that you made to work know, that shirt that I never understood the meaning of....the one we still have a box of in the garage....just sayin....HAHAHAHA but he thought you would appreciate the fact that he is rockin' it at work today!

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