Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Time Has Been Just Like a Thief

Good morning! It is Tuesday, but it totally feels like a Monday for me since I worked from home yesterday. It was nice to have that extra day to relax after the weekend. This weekend Kel and I made a trip up to Pennsylvania so that I could get my hair done and so we could hang out for a few days. It is always nice to go up there and get away from the hustle and bustle of our area.  It is so peaceful where his dad lives, everything and everyone seems to move so slow and the air is so fresh, even the water that comes out of the faucets is so pure and clean up there. It is just a real nice change of pace. I thought about you a lot over this past weekend, I thought about how much I wish you could have had the opportunity to go up there with us, you would love it, well that is until winter hit (it gets super cold up there!!) There was a few times I looked out the window and just stared into the openness that surrounds their house. I looked out wishing that you would come back, even though I knew that was impossible and extreme wishful thinking, I did it anyway. What's the harm in wishful thinking, right?

It is coming up on a year since you have been gone, a year too long and a year that has flown by. You always told me that one day I would wake up and realize how fast time really does fly, well big daddy, I now know what you mean. I feel like everyday flies by, I blink and it is a new day. While sometimes that can be a good thing, most of the time it catches me by surprise and I find myself thinking where did this past day, week, month...go? I guess what I can take from that is that I need to take each day for what it is worth and not rush through to the next one. I have slowed my life down significantly since you left. I no longer work myself to death, I spend my evenings home with Kelly and the pup (after the gym of course! lol)  and I try not to stress over the little things. The laundry can wait, there is always another time when I can clean the bathroom, the bed can stay unmade if the dogs don't want to get up right get what I am saying. The little things are just not worth getting your stomach in knots over, especially when life flies by as fast as it does. However, this upcoming week is a different story. I have to get certain things done by Friday, no excuses! Kelly's dad, sister and step-mom are coming down for Easter and I want the house to look perfect!

I am so excited that they are coming, I know that it makes Kelly happy that they are making the drive down here. It has been a really long time since they were here last and I know how much he wants them to see the house, not to mention how excited he is about being able to spend Easter with Delaney! Speaking of D, I went to get her Easter basket last night! I felt like a kid in the candy store, I get so excited when I get to do stuff like that. Kel had band practice last night so I spent a good part of the evening shopping for candy and fun stuff, decorating the Easter basket with goodies, filling up plastic eggs with chocolate and jelly beans, and scoping out potential hiding spots for an Easter egg hunt Sunday morning. Like I said, the little things in life make me super happy! I am probably more excited about seeing how excited she gets Sunday morning then she is about the "Easter Bunny actually coming. We have a lot planned for the week-end since they don't get to come down to DC often. We are going to go to the museums and monuments downtown. I am excited but at the same time a little apprehensive about going...I know it may sound silly but remember a few years ago when I got you tickets to a show at the air and space museum to see the show "Operation Redwing"? That same day you, Blair and I spent the whole day downtown museum hopping. That was the last time I went to the museums and I know it is going to elicit a bunch of emotion when I actually get down there. We had such a great day, we were exhausted by the day's end, but it was really a great day. As I mentioned in one of last week's letters, it is so crazy how I remember little things...well I remember that day perfectly. I even remember what you were wearing. You had on your orange shirt, the matching brown/orange plaid shorts, and your tennis shoes that I always made fun of you for. Hahahaha speaking of making fun of you, do you remember waiting in line at one of the museums and Blair and I telling you to pull your shorts down and un-tuck your nipples? Hahaha we always teased you for wearing your pants up too high. I think you did it on purpose to get a rise out of us. Te-he anyhow, I drove us all up to D.C., parked and we just got out and walked from museum to museum. It was hotter than hell out too, I remember seeing your orange shirt drenched in sweat, luckily I wore white that day and you weren’t able to see my sweaty armpits. HAHA. I also remember being so happy that you were able to walk as far as we did that day, we must of walked 5+ miles. Good times daddy.

You and I on the day
we went downtown!
I have to get some stuff done (bummer!), but before I sign out...

Below is a song that I absolutely love, I know how much you dislike country, but the lyrics are great and it is relevant to what I was talking about earlier. I know it may sound goofy but I listen to it most days on the ride home from work because it reminds me of my relationship with Kel and it just makes me smile. It also makes me appreciate the little things...

The famous Phil Vassar, Last Day of My Life:

"I just left Bobby's house, the service was today.
Got me thinkin' about how fragile life is, as I drove away.
You know Amy was his only love, in a moment she was gone, long gone.
It could have been me or you. Oh, baby, there's no time to lose.

So I'm gonna bring home a dozen roses, pour us a glass of wine.
I'm gonna put on a little music and turn down the lights.
I'm gonna wrap my arms around you and rock you all through the night,
And I'm gonna love you, like it's the last day of my life.

I drive off when the sun comes up, I get back when it's gone down.
There's so much I wanna do with you, but I can't be around.
Whoa, time has been just like a thief, it's stolen too much from us,
And once it's gone we can't make it up....
So tonight, let's get back in touch.

I'm gonna bring home a dozen roses, pour us a glass of wine.
I'm gonna put on a little music and turn down the lights.
I'm gonna wrap my arms around you and rock you all through the night,
And I'm gonna love you, like it's the last day of my life.

Life is a rainbow, it's a spring snow, it's the mornin' dew.
I don't wanna waste another minute without you.

So I'm gonna bring home a dozen roses, pour us a glass of wine.
I'm gonna put on a little music and turn down the lights.
I'm gonna wrap my arms around you and rock you all through the night,
And I'm gonna love you, like it's the last day of my life."

Hope you like it-just disregard the fact that it is country!

Love you dad, miss you!


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