Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Car Rides & Memorable Times

It is finally Thursday- the day I have been waiting for all week! Tomorrow is my day off and then my Telework day is on Monday, long weekend, hallelujah!

Today is supposed to be warm and sunny which makes things even better. Kelly is on 24 hour duty tonight so I am going home to an empty house tonight, bummer! I have the pups though and tomorrow we are all heading up to Pittsburgh for the week-end. I am so excited to go up there, I love when we go up to visit. The following week-end Delaney and Nadine are going to drive down to Virginia for Easter, Kelly and I are super excited. I am in charge of making Delaney's Easter basket and you know how ecstatic I get over arts and craft projects! So the next few weeks are going to be fun. Mom is having Easter dinner at the house, she invited all of our Marine guys, Jeff from Bobby McKeys, Nadine and Delaney, and of course Blair, myself, Jerry, Pap, and the guys. We are going to have a full house that day, can you believe it?! We have a pretty big menu planned so it will be a great dinner! I really want to do an Easter egg hunt for Delaney, I think she would enjoy it! I hope that the weather cooperates, if not we can always do one inside.

Off topic: Blair just sent me a text message that said, "There is a lot of sphincters in the body, not just our butthole hahahahaha. It makes me want to tell dad." HA that is something you would make that goofy grin face at. I am so proud of Blair dad, you would be too. She has her scrubs and little medical equipment. It is so cute, she is so smart and perfect. She misses you so much, I know it hurts her to know that she can't come home and share her nurse stories with you. She was telling me the other day how much she hates coming home at night and not seeing you waiting up for her on the couch. Or when she comes home and no one has put her a plate of food in the microwave like you always would for the both of us if we weren’t home for dinner. It is the little things like that, those are the things that we miss the most.

One big thing I miss is the car rides we used to take. I am listening to the Atari's CD and it instantly takes me back to a very specific time in the car with you. We were driving to some soccer thing in the Four Runner, it wasn't a game or practice, I think it may have been a team meeting, but anyway....we were driving and listening to the song, "Boys of Summer", I was so surprised that you knew all the words and were singing along. I asked you how you knew the lyrics to this song by this teeny-bopper punk rock band and you told me that it was not originally done by the Ataris (news to me) and I was just so surprised. I remember that brief, trivial moment so clearly. The weather was cool and the trees and foliage were super green, the sun was really bright and there was a brisk breeze in the air. We were driving with the windows halfway down but the moment I turned the music down to ask you how you knew the lyrics, we were parked on a side road with no buildings in site. Gosh it is so bizarre how I can remember such specific details of certain events. I always wonder why my memory can be so great with some things and then terrible with others. Hmmmm!   PS. Remember how I always made you drive with the windows down regardless of the temperature? Ha! Jeez, it is only 9:30 and I am already getting teary eyed! I miss you dad.  

Remember drawing this for me?!

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