Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Monday, April 11, 2011

It is almost time for me to head out of work for the day, it has been very slow for a Monday, too slow. It is a perfect day outside, well perfect in my mind. The sun is shining, the temperature is above 80 and there is a slight hint of humidity in the air, I know this is your kind of weather also. I am really looking forward to getting in the car and blasting your CD with the windows down and sunroof back. It has been a while since the weather has been perfect and unfortunately it is not going to last for long, it is supposed to drop down to the mid-sixties and rain for the better part of this week. I am going to take full advantage of this day when I get out of here! Each warm day makes me think of you. When I walk out of my office and my face hits the fresh air for the first time since the sun has come up, I immediately think of you. It makes me sad, but I always smile because I know that in some way shape or form, you are nearby. Since you've been gone, I have become so much more appreciative of the littlest things in life, a warm breeze and the sunshine's heat on my face are both things I never embraced as much as I do now. I don’t know what it is, but something has changed the way I go about life these days. I can stare at a blue sky for an extended period of time and I will be perfectly content, whereas before I would be so worried that I was wasting time by just sitting around. You always told me that one day I will wake up and have no idea where the time went, I never believed you, I would always tell you, "Dad that is not going to happen to me!!" Well guess what, this past year has been a whirlwind and I have absolutely no idea where the time has gone, so as much as I don’t like to admit this, YOU WERE RIGHT! Imagine that! :-) That piece of advice is something I carry very close to my heart these days and it has helped me take time to notice the little things and SLOW DOWN. Life is too short to speed through it.

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