Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 7, 2011

Forgot to post this on Thursday!! So here you go--oops!

Happy Thursday! Yes, it is almost the week-end! I am definitely ready for it, this has been along week, I tele-work tomorrow and then have a picnic to go to at Quantico tomorrow for Kel's work. This weekend I am looking forward to just kicking it around the house, we are having Kirsten stay with us Saturday because her fiancĂ©, Mike, is in South Africa for work and she doesn’t want to be alone! Don’t blame her either, I hate being in a house all by myself, especially if there have been ORB manifestations (See yesterday's post and you will get my joke). Speaking of being alone and yesterday's post...You know that I was all gung-ho about cleaning when I wrote to you, however, after I fought the traffic home, I was totally against it. Instead of cleaning like I desperately needed to, I made myself dinner, put some laundry in the washer and plopped my butt down on the couch. I cuddled up with the babies and watched some trash television. To include; Teen Mom 2, Secret Life of an American Teenager and of course, a Lifetime movie, "Mother May I Sleep With Danger." It was nice to sit back and relax for once, I wish I would of got more work done around the house though. Meh, OH WELL! Kelly came home around 9 from bowling and we were passed out asleep by 10. We are the youngest "old" people I know, who goes to bed that early! Somehow I always manage to wake up tired though, like this was so hard for me to get out of bed, 5:30AM comes way too early for this girl!

Enough of my whining about lack of sleep, let me tell you about something else that would probably be more of an interest to you.


I know that caught your attention! I was reading online today at that "Beck will "transition off of his daily program, the third highest rated in all of cable news, later this year" to pursue the new opportunities." Bummer huh? Another stunning fact I read in the article was "Glenn Beck began airing on FOX News in 2009 and has been one of the top rated programs on cable, averaging over 2.2 million total viewers during its run" I would of never guessed, I thought you were the only one that watched his show consistently, apparently that is not the case! 

Back to whining...HA! I am struggling today, I cannot seem to wake up and the clock seems to be ticking extra slow. UGH What to do, what to do. I have so much stuff that I could be doing right now, however it is all at home. This is a day where I wish I would of just stayed home. Traffic in the area has been worse than normal this week. Don't get me wrong, it is always bad, however this week it has been especially dreadful. There have been a few deadly crashes, a couple interstate fires and cars just jam packed. Tuesday on the other hand, no cars seemed to be on the road. It has been a very odd week in the traffic realm.
I am trying to pass the time by reading articles that I can use to "better" myself. I stumbled across this one article that talks about laughter. It had a great quote in it.

"Angels can fly because they take things lightly"

Well Dad, I just talked to my boss and I am leaving early today, this Thursday has given me a headache and I have nothing to do but sit, so see ya later work! I am taking off down 95 - Weeee!

Love and miss you, Ash 

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