Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Making Up For Lost Time

So get this, I decided to make your journal a public thing! I know, you are absolutely thrilled I am sure, especially since I know how against computers you are. Tehe. The main reason I am doing this is because I feel like that the memories you and I share are FABULOUS and I want them to live on. Plus, I think it would be cool for those who miss you to have the opportunity to keep a little part of you alive, via blogging. Again, I am sure you are thrilled. Winkwink.

I feel like I have not wrote to you in forever. That course I was in for work consumed my entire month of March, I am happy that it is now over. I can finally take a minute to breathe. I received my CON090 certificate and am movin' on up in the world! Holla! However, I will admit that since I was consumed with the dreadful amounts of homework and such, my time to write to you was slim to none this month. Not an excuse I know, but what can a girl do!
You know what is funny and a little bit lame, I keep a list of things I need to tell you about in my iphone. The list is long....and I will admit I kind of forgot the significance of some of the bullet points. Those bullets must not be too important, right? I have a lot of stuff that I am going to write in your book, only because I dont want to put anything too personal out on the web for the world to check the book for the juicy stuff ;-)

Because I love to brag about the loves of my life, let me mention the pups! Dude, I wish you could be here to see them, they are truly the light of my life! They are becoming such perfectly behaved dogs! They haven’t had an accident in (knock on wood!) over a month. We got them fixed on Monday and they have been moping around the house. But they are recovering quickly, thank goodness they are healing fast, because it is hard to keep them from rough-housing. They are worse than two little kids!! They keep me busy Dad!

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