Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Monday, April 11, 2011

Music to my Ears

I am finally able to listen to the CD I played at your funeral. I chose the worst time to listen to it, sitting at my desk at work. How dumb can I be? I knew that it would tear me apart. The song that gets me the most is the Black Stone Cherry song, "Things My Father Said", that is a rough one. I am hoping no one comes by my desk anytime soon! I didn’t wear my waterproof mascara today either. It is so crazy how these songs put me right back to that week. I have been thinking of that week a lot lately, it just still does not seem real. The weather has been changing and it is like déjàvu, putting me right back to this place a year ago, if only I knew how much time I had left with you, I would of never left your side. I know you would of loved that! HA!  
I think the music we chose for your funeral was very fitting of your personality. Although it was anything but traditional, I thought it was perfect. You would of approved-This is what we played during your slideshow;
1. Aerosmith, Angel
2. Creed, Higher
3. Demon Hunter, Carry Me Down
4. Black Stone Cherry, Things My Father Said
5. Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven
6. Metallica, Fade to Black
7. Vertical Horizon, Forever
8. Foo Fighters, My Hero
9. Guns and Roses, Sweet Child of Mine
10. Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here

I am about to go visit Blairsy for lunch, hoping that I stumble across an ORB while I am there. Tehe - Catch up with you in a bit Dad! Love ya!

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