Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

April 30, 2011

Hi daddy!! How have you been the past few days ? I have had some pretty bad writer's block, so I apologize for the few days between posts! I am running at the gym and am in a really great mood so I decided that I would pop in and say hello!

I left off with telling you about Easter, don't think I mentioned the fact that Jeff from Bobby Mckey's spent the whole week with us? He is leaving Bobby's and moving back to his hometown in Ohio, his dad is pretty sick..:( He had a few more gigs at Bobby's and Kel and I wanted to spend some time with him before he headed out so we invited him to stay with us. Real great guy, very into politics, you would dig him! I was telling him on the way to old town yesterday how much I wish the two of you could of met. He had a lot of respect for you based off all the things I told him about you. As a matter a fact, the weekend after you passed he did a live tribute to you at Bobby McKey's without even me being there. Everyone told me how touching it was and how he mentioned that a great friend of his lost her father a few days prior, tears coming down his face, he went onto sing "wish you were here" by pink floyd. He is a good friend and quite an amazing individual.  As I said, you would like him.

Yesterday mom and I went on a date down in Old Town. We went to the Chart House and got a massage. We are so classy:))) of course we couldn't go a few minutes without pointing out something that reminded us of you....We walked down by the water and these two little kids were playing on that bob anchor and mom told me how one of the last times you were down there together you approached this woman with a child and told her, " be careful they grow up so fast! I just love little peach fuzz heads!!!" Mom said the woman was a little weary about your kindness and interest in her child but then she saw mom and then felt at ease... Well enough at ease to carry on a conversation with a complete stranger! Hahahha you always had the ability to converse with everyone, a trait most people strive to obtain at some point in their lifetime. Like I have said many times before, you are one of a kind dad, one of a kind....

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