Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another Reason Why I Hate Cats

Hi!! Happy Tuesday, hope you are having a fabulous day! I have been pretty busy today, finally! I love to be busy as you very well know. I have about an hour left here then I get to head on home to tend to the pups! They are getting so big, I wish you could of met them, they are amazing. I have never been so attached to anything in my entire life, they put me in the best mood regardless of how bad a day I may have had. However I will say they made me super mad this week-end...Let me tell you this funny story...

Early Sunday morning I was woken up by the little yippy whines/barks that they are notorious for doing after a long Saturday I rolled out of bed, slipped on my WHITE robe (note that I said white, you will understand later), walked downstairs to find two ecstatic pups, and let them out the back door. I swear I think Tootsie sensed this nasty grey street cat out in the yard all morning because as soon as I opened our sliding glass door, she hauled ass down the back deck stairs and plunged into the street after the cat. The cat took off into the middle of the street, through the grass, up on the fence, and then jumped down onto the other side of the fence. Yes, you guessed it...Tootsie followed her path, except she was unable to go up and over, so you know what she did? Squeezed her skinny hot-dog a$$ through a hole in the fence. All this happened in a matter of...I am going to estimate around 30 seconds. I was panicking and steaming mad at the whole situation. Why? (1) She knows not to go out into the street!!! (2) She has now made me chase her, in my white bathrobe all the way down the street and (3) I no longer had sight of her. So what do I do...... Stay calm and walk to the hole in the fence that she squeezed through, right? WRONG. You know what I really did? Screamed like a blubbering idiot as I ran through the wet, tall grass along the fence line trying to find her. When I say scream, I mean scream. "Tootsie, get the heck back here!!!! Where are you!!! Tootsie come here NOW!!!!" Picture this, a blonde girl in a white robe, hair a mess, make-up from the night before smeared all over my face, screaming down the street at 7 o'clock on a Sunday morning. Well....Tootsie must of sensed my extreme anger from a distance (kind of like how she sensed the cat before even seeing it) and as I am making my way towards the whole in the fence, she popped her head back through. In fact, now that I think back, I don't think she ever went all the way through the fence because she could hear me screaming "no" but anyways...As I am running to go snatch her up, I slip down the hill. Yes, I slip. Into the wet grass. In my white robe. At 7 o'clock in the morning.

Tootsie the day after the fiasco...
in the same spot I slipped.
I will leave it at that and just say that Tootsie was not happy when I finally got a hold of her. Since then, she has been let out only on a leash and under excessive supervision (protective mom instinct I suppose). FML! Looking back (I guess) it is a funny story to tell, however, I really wish someone had a video camera so I could see what I looked like running through the grass in my robe screaming obscenities and chasing after my little 14 pound wiener dog on a nice Sunday morning, not to mention Mother's Day morning. I am so classy, I know.

If nothing else, it is funny to look back on. Ahhhh! Well daddy, it is about that time, time for me to hit 95 and go on home! I am going to pick out some golf clubs tonight (yay!) and eat some wings down at Quaker Steak in Fburg. I will catch up with you later! I love you =o)

Oh P.S. Something cute/cool. Blair sent me a text a little while ago and said she was listening to a CD I made her while driving to school today and there is a song on it called, "When I look to the Sky" by Train. There is a part of the song that goes, "When I look to the sky, something tells me you're here with me, and you make everything alright"... she said she looked up while listening to it and saw a rainbow :-)

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