Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

There are not many dads out there who would go search the streets for a McDonald's Happy Meal toy.

Hey there! I was thinking about you this morning on the way into work and when I got to my desk I remembered a funny/sweet story that I wanted to remind you of! It involves myself at the young age of 5-8 (can't remember exactly), a miniature Mr. Potato Head toy from a Happy Meal, a cool fall day, and us cruising down Telegraph Road...

This has to be one of the cutest memories I have.

One day you and I were coming back from somewhere, can't remember where exactly, and we had just stopped to get some lunch at McDonalds. I had ordered a Happy Meal that had a mini Mr. Potato Head in it, I was so excited about this toy for some reason! We had got into the car to head home and I remember you rolling our windows down to get some fresh air as we cruised down Telegraph. At that point I thought it would be a great idea to let Mr. Potato Head join in on the fun, so I put him in my little left hand and stuck it out the window. I distinctively remember you telling me that I better be careful because if I did not hold him tight, I would lose him. Well, me being Ashleigh, I was decided that (1) you were crazy and (2) my grip was too tight for him to escape. I must of become a little more confident as we sped down the road because I decided to loosen my grip (god forbid I squeeze the little plastic toy too tight). I remember exactly where we were when Mr. Potato Head decided to make a run for it. The wind caught him and out of my hand he flew, landing somewhere on the side of the road. I turned to you and you said, "I told you not to hang him out the window Ash!" I begged you to pull over so I could get out and look for him and when you said no, the flood gates opened. I was so upset, even after you told me that next time we went to McDonalds, I could get another one. I didn’t want to take no for answer but you being the adult (and me not being able to drive) Mr. Potato Head was forced to spent the rest of his life on the side of the road. I woke up the next morning and was traumatized by the thought of Mr. PH being left out in the road all night, alone....possibly injured....without a little child to hold him. Mom had put me on the bus to go to Sunday school and I thought about him all day. Sunday school comes to an end and the bus drops me back off at the house, I go up to my room to change into some comfortable clothes.... when something on my nightstand catches my eye. This can't be so! Mr. Potato Head was sitting on my nightstand. And this wasn't just any Mr. Potato Head, this was the one from yesterday because he was all scuffed and scrapped up from his flight. I was so shocked and so happy. Looking back, I can't believe how awesome of a dad you were. There are not many dads out there who would go search the streets for a McDonald's Happy Meal toy.

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