Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All Along the Watchtower

Happy Tuesday!
What a beautiful day outside this morning, totally your kind of weather! I hope you are riding that Harley! It has been excruciatingly hot these past few weeks but last night and this morning it was pleasantly cool! I am dreading the dentist appointment I have this afternoon, I have been putting it off for long enough, I finally decided to suck it up and go. You know how much I hate the dentist! Dr. Schell still brings you up in conversation, the last time I saw him he mentioned your shoes…the crazy plaid Vans. You know, those “fugly” looking slip-ons you loved. I’m just kidding, they really weren’t that bad, just a little punk rock! Anyway, let’s hope I don’t have a mouth full of cavities like last time…I know I have at least one…UGH!
This weekend was pretty eventful! I planned on just relaxing and watching movies, tanning on my deck, sipping a cold beverage…however, things came up. Friday night, I went to spin and got into bed super early so that I could go to my spin/ab class early Saturday morning. As soon as I got tucked in, Blair called me and told me Aunt M was in the hospital up at Mt. Vernon and they were unsure if she was going to pull through. The nursing home called Blair because both Mom and Uncle Bubby were out of town. I didn’t want Blair up at the hospital alone so I hopped in the car and drove up; luckily there is no traffic on 95 at night! When I got there Pam G. was there with Blair and they were holding M’s hands and rubbing her head. I officially dislike Nursing Homes and Rehabilitation Centers. They say she had been unconscious since 8am that morning, yet Blair was not called until late that evening? They didn’t think it was “that serious”… really? What is wrong with people? When she was finally rushed to the ER her blood sugar was close to 800 and they were unsure if she had suffered a heart attack. Long story short, she is still in the hospital recovering, they think she is going to pull through. It broke my heart to see her that way and to know that we were the only ones there for her. Mom drove home as soon as Blair called her so that Blair didn’t have to go through another possible death alone and Uncle Bub & Brenda drove home from the OBX in the middle of the night. Our family may be small, but everyone is always there for one another in a heartbeat. Once Aunt M was settled, Blair and I went on home to let her rest.
Enough depressing stuff…Ohhhhhh snap! All Along the Watchtower came on Pandora radio. I know how much you love Jimi Hendrix!

So more on the weekend, Saturday, was crab feast day down at Pam S.’s house in Fredericksburg. We had such a great time!! Blair drove Pappy down and it took them two and a half hours because traffic around here blows on the weekends. We ate crabs, spent time with Pam’s family and friends, drank some beers, and pretty much laughed the entire time. It made me miss you though, I know how much you wished you were there.  Marilyn came up after work and Pap was surprised to see her decked out in her cop attire. He wanted her to handcuff & frisk him. HAHA. So funny. Sunday was FINALLY my “chill day” that I had been craving all weekend! I went to spin and then hopped right back into bed and cuddled with the pups and watched movies for the rest of the morning and early afternoon. I went up to Mom’s house for dinner and I have been there ever since!

Always a blast!


Cop lovin' for PAP!

LOVE this

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