Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shake Shake Earthquake

Hey there Dad!

How are you today? I hope that all is still intact up there, especially after that earthquake! HAHA can you believe that we had an Earthquake on the east coast? I did not think that was possible! I was sitting at my desk yesterday afternoon and I honestly thought our building was getting bombed, the first thing I did was duck by my filing cabinet, then once I realized that everyone else was running out, I followed. It was a big mess! Our building was evacuated and we were sent home for the day. I think everyone was a little over the top but that is expected. Haha you know why… But anyway, the last earthquake in VA was back in 1897 and that one was about 5.8 on the Richter scale… I think yesterday’s earthquake was 5.9. Oh snap we are making history!

In other news….

1.       I started to work at Bobby’s this weekend, I missed that place a lot. It has changed a bit but it is still a great part-time job. Some of my old friends are there and the money is still good. I am hoping to save up enough money within the next two years so I can get the heck out of VA.

2.       I have been taking the dogs on daily walks and they seem to really enjoy it. The weather is getting cooler and I take them around 7PM each night. We walk for about half an hour and by that time their little legs are all tuckered out. I look forward to walking with them, it gives me some time to clear my head and get some fresh air. You would make fun of me because I drive them to the neighborhood across the street from mine to go for their walk…it is a little nicer and doesn’t get as dark at night over there. I am just trying to keep us safe! LOL.

3.       I am starting my Masters program for real this time. I just submitted my TA paperwork through work and should be good to start on October 14th. I already have 9 credits completed, just 27 more to go and I will have my Masters degree in Procurement and Acquisition Management. 27 credits equates to 9 classes…sounds pretty attainable. I should be able to complete it before Kelly comes home. That is my goal anyway. We will see!

Dad, I apologize but I have been struggling with writing lately. I think recently my life has just been relatively uneventful, yet filled with emotion. So the words just don’t seem to flow like they usually do. I have so much on my mind and yet I can’t find the words to tell you about it. I think it’s because I just simply don’t know where to begin. These last two weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster for me, I am up and down, happy and sad all at the same time. I am hoping that my emotions will calm down soon and I will be able to write to you as much as I used to. I like writing to you on a daily basis and I miss doing so. I love and miss you very much.

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