Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey there dad! How are you!? I hope you are enjoying this cooler weather we have been having, I never thought I would say this, but I am ready for fall. I love summer, but my favorite attire is a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I am struggling to stay awake today so I thought I would write to you and hope that by doing so, I would wake up a little bit! Blair came down last night for a sleepover, she has been a really big help with everything I am going through right now. She and Justin both have been really good to me, they stayed down at my place over this past weekend and kept me company. It has been a week since Kel has left for Japan and I miss him so much, I just have to focus on staying busy and hopefully the time will fly. I start working at Bobby McKeys this weekend and I am super excited about that. As you know, I LOVE working there. I am so excited to get back there, woo!

Last weekend was tough without Kel here to do stuff with, but as I mentioned, Blair and Justin did a good job with keeping me company. On Friday night, they came down and cooked me dinner (stir-fry, just the way you used to cook it!), we watched a movie and passed out super early. We debated on whether or not we should go get tattoos, but decided not to. Hahaha. On Saturday I took the pups up to your place and went kayaking with Justin, Jerry and Mom. Blair was working so she could not go…We kayaked for a good couple of miles then came back and had some spicy Thai food at that place by the house. Afterwards mom and I took the pups on a walk around the neighborhood and then Blair, Justin and I went on home. Again, it was an early night for all of us, why.......? Because Blair and Justin actually convinced me to go hiking with them on Sunday morning! I was glad they made me go….it was my first hike! It was a great time on the way up to our destination, however hiking back was a little much for me, lol. The bugs, prickle bushes, wild animals, spiders, and rocks were all up in the way of our path. We hiked nine miles and by the time we made it back to the car, my left foot and knees felt like they were going to fall off. All in all it was a lot of fun though! I will post some pictures as soon as I get them from Justin.

Lets see….what else….

Monday night was a sucky night, it was raining and thundering, I laid in bed for about 3 hours after work then finally made myself get up and clean Kelly and my bathroom. FUN NIGHT! Sike! Last night I had Blair come down and we took the dogs on a long walk and went dog toy shopping at Petsmart. I spoil those pups. They have been my saving grace through all of this, those two little dogs give us so much happiness and I am glad that they are there when I get home from work, just as happy as can be. Guess what Tuff has started doing?! He has started smiling when he gets super excited or happy, it is so funny to watch him do it, it puts the biggest smile on my face!! I will have to show you some pictures if I can ever snap one while he is doing it.

OH! This is totally on a new subject, but last night Blair and I sat down and watched Bush’s post 9-11 speech on You-Tube. I don’t know why but there is something about that speech that gives me goose bumps. I think it is something that should be broadcasted on a daily basis, just so this country doesn’t forget. It just gives me such a patriotic feeling and makes me super proud of Kel, Justin and all of our friends that fight for our country. As you know, the military is something I have the utmost respect for and the fact that there are people out there that do not feel the same way just boggles my mind. I know you are proud of the guys your girls are with. Kelly and Justin are just so great.

Well dad, I am going to get back to work. I will talk to you soon, I love and miss you so much!!

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