Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall reminds me of you

Hey there! How are you daddy?! I know it has been a while since I have wrote last. However, don't think that means I don't think about you all day, every day. You are still always on my mind with whatever I do. I am currently up in Philadelphia for a class and I really wish I could pick up the phone and call you. I thought about that earlier today, I miss the days when I would call and talk your ear off while I was battling the 95 traffic home. September is here and that means summer is winding  down and the fall of the year is knocking at the door. Fall reminds me of you, mainly because of the weather and football season. I know how much you enjoyed the break from the humidity and the colors of the fall leaves. Not only that, but I know how much you loved to sit down and watch a good football game. I can honestly say I have little interest in watching a Skins game anymore. It just is not the same without you to walk me through every play that they make. I started working at Bobby McKeys again and every Saturday from September to December is football jersey night. I wore my Clinton Portis jersey into work a couple weekends ago only to find out later that evening that he is no longer a member of the team. FML. I have 3 Portis jerseys, go figure. Oh and get this, the following Saturday (which would be last Saturday) I went to a buy a new one and I purchased a McNabb jersey, come to find out....he is now a Viking. No wonder the jersey was on sale... If you were here, I would have known what jersey to wear/not wear. I know you were looking down and laughing at me when I was in line buying the McNabb jersey! As you always said, deeedley-dee, Ash! 

I am sitting in my hotel room and I feel super lonely without the pups here with me. I am so attached to those little guys, they are my saving grace while Kelly is overseas. They keep me company and whenever I get upset, it is like they know because they always run up to me and lick my tears away. I won't get into the whole Kelly being away thing because I will get too upset. We miss each other so much and it honestly sucks, I hope that we never have to go through something like this again. UGH. It does give me comfort knowing that he will be coming home, we just have to be patient and make the best out of the time apart and the whole situation (there is my optimism for the day, lol...) We are counting the days until he can come home. I am planning a trip out there for the Christmas/New Years time frame, so I am hoping the time until then will fly by....and of course I hope that the rest of the time he is out there will fly by too.   

Also, I just wanted to let you know that I paid off the last of my college loans today. I want to say thank you to both you and mom. I really appreciate all the help you guys gave me along the way. I could not have done it without the help of you both. It is good feeling to have something so important paid off. So thank you and mom for all of your help!! I am very lucky to have 2 amazing parents. I love you both very much. 

Well daddy, I am going to get ready for bed. Know that I miss you so much and I wish you were here to help me through this hard time...but I know you are up there helping me in the best way that you can.  I am going to attach some updated photos for you to look at. It has been a while since you have seen any new pics! 

Love and miss you more with each passing day, 

My first tattoo, on my right wrist.
It is my DaddyJ butterfly!

I got another one..."Live for today"
on my left wrist. A little bit of inspiration
for the difficult days.

Your two girls out in the mountains, HIKING!

Your two black grandbabies! 

Kel and I before he left :)

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