Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Harley dealership, killer mongoose, adventures on the river, and a weekend full of blonde moments

Big daddy! Hellllllo! So I finally have some free time to sit down and write to you, a lot has been going on lately and I get caught up with so many things, my days feel like they all mush together! Anyway,  so since last post there has been a change in wedding plans, we are now going to have the wedding on August 17th, it seems to work better for everyone and those that are coming to spend the week in OBX with us. Blair and Justin are not in school at that time and neither is Delaney, so they all will be able to come down for the whole week now! I get so excited every time I think about it, the one thing that is missing is you though, and I wish so much that you could be there. The house we are planning on renting for the week and the reception is AMAZING, you would definitely approve, I know you will be there watching all the festivities go down…I have picked out the wedding colors and they are not your traditional colors, but we love them and you know Kel and I, we never do things the traditional way, anyways.

Enough wedding talk, it gets me too excited!

Look at her!!! So grown up!!!You would be so proud of her
This weekend I spent hanging out, doing sisterly things with Blairsy. Justin was out of town for work on a trip with Obama (yuck!) so her and I had the whole weekend to be goofy as usual. We went to pick up her nurses uniform on Saturday because she is soon to start her clinical rotations at Mount Vernon Hospital and INOVA Fairfax. I am so excited and proud of her. Watching her try on her scrubs almost brought tears to my eyes, she is so grown up and such an amazing person. I know you are so proud of her as well; she is quite the 19 year-old. After we got all of the stuff she needed we went over to the Fairfax Harley dealership, which was the first time I had been in there without you. Blair was getting some of Justin’s birthday presents and we decided to look around for a bit. Seeing all those bikes brought back a lot of memories of you with yours, I remember how we would ride over there on the weekends and you would chat it up with all the employees, we would look at the bikes and you would ramble off facts about each one. You were always so social; I honestly think that everyone in there knew you. It was kind of sad when Blair and I went in because I didn’t have that same welcoming feeling as I did when I went in there with you. Oh well, I guess I won’t have that feeling until I get a Harley of my own! LOL. Maybe one day…You would think Blair is so cute in all her little Harley gear, ever since Justin got his, she has made it her personal mission to look like a Harley chick, and she pulls it off well!

After the trip to the Harley dealer and uniform place, we went home to get some shrimp and beer at Pap’s request, for 91 he can still kick it, he cracks me up! Saturday night Blair and I had a girls night and woke up Sunday and went to breakfast and went yakin’ on the river. Us two in kayaks has to be a funny site to see for spectators… First of all, the two of us trying to get down in a kayak without touching the nasty water of the Potomac was a task in itself and of course, we ended up soaked. In addition to being soaked, I somehow ended up with a clump of hydrilla (I think that is what they call the “seaweed” in the Potomac) all in my hair and on my tank-top. Keepin’ it classy and interesting as always, yay! Once we get in the kayak and paddle out to deeper water, we see this unknown creature. Convinced it was a floating log at first, we paddled up to it. Nope sure as hell was not a log, that sucker swam after my kayak (fast!) and put Blair and I into a complete panic, we paddled our hearts out until we were about 100 yards away. We think it was a killer mongoose…not sure what else is could have been…? All in all it was a good day and Blair and I are always finding ourselves in a crazy adventure, never a boring day when we are together!  Speaking of adventure, we decided to book a last minute trip to JAMAICA for a few days before she starts nursing school. We like to be spontaneous, fa sho!  

Monday was pretty much uneventful, until after Blair and I came home from spin that is…We got home, fed the dogs, let them out and were about to take showers...As we were walking upstairs we noticed that one of the lights that never turn on was on in the living room…It is that light that you have to turn on by the switch on the floor, so it never gets turned on. Plus no one really goes in that room ever….As I turned the corner to walk up the stairs, I noticed it was and immediately I froze, called Blair, and then she froze. Why the heck was it on? We said it had to be one of two things….someone either broke into the house and turned it on to show us someone was there or you turned it on and were messing with us. We thought if it was you, you would have switched on another light, one that we use on a normal basis… After coming to that conclusion, we decided that someone had to have broken in and they are hiding in the house. Think about it, Justin and Mom were gone, it was just Pap, Blair and I and the dogs were all gone too, perfect time for someone to break in….We set the alarm and for about an hour, walked through every single room in the house, every single closet, every possible place that someone could hide. Armed with a pair of scissors and a knife, Blair and I fearfully checked everything and found nothing. Was it YOU?! I don’t know maybe…if it was you, thanks for scaring the hell out of us! Next time, turn on the kitchen light or something! Thankfully Justin was back from his trip and stayed with us last night…We slept with a little bit more ease last night.

This morning however, Blair decided to arm the security system and when I went to let the pups out the alarm went off and I thought nothing of it, I just typed in the pass code and continued on with letting the dogs out…while I was outside the police called and there was no answer, so guess what? Yup, they sent police to the house thinking there was a robbery. Talk about a blonde moment, I didn’t even think that the phone would ring and if there was no answer, I would have a police officer knocking on the door. Dee Duh Dee. Like I said, always an adventure with us two…I wish I could hear your response to all of this…I know you are laughing and shaking your head.

Alright Dad, I will talk to you later, enjoy the pictures from the weekend! Love and miss you oh so much.

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