Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

07/23/2012--A little late on the post!

Hey Dad! I wrote this with the intent to finish it and post, way to go Ash, FAIL. Lol,

Hi Dad, how are you on the fantastic Monday? I have a lot to catch you up on; it has been a busy three weeks since the last time I wrote. Let me think, where did I leave off…Last I wrote I was on my way to Pittsburgh! I went up there to visit Kel’s family and attend their traditional 4th of July bash! I always love going up there, I have so much fun with his little sis, she is my little BFF. I stayed up there that week and came back home the following Saturday. I still wish you had the opportunity to go up to their house in PA, I know you would really enjoy his family and their house; it is so beautiful up there, totally a place that you would enjoy. There is always a ton of butterflies up there, so I know you are there in spirit. The night I got up there, no one was home, so I sat on their huge deck and just watched the sun go down over the hills, sure enough a butterfly and warm breeze went right on by….I know that was your way of saying hello.

When I was up in Pittsburgh, Kelly’s dad told me that he had received a letter from Kelly asking him to be his best man in our wedding…yep, I said wedding! We are getting married!! We have kept it a secret for a while, but Kelly decided to write his dad a letter and fill him in on the news. His dad, Nadine and Delaney were so happy, it made me so happy. I asked Delaney if she would be one of my bridesmaids, she was so excited and said she was so happy I didn’t ask her to be the flower girl! Haha. Mom, Blair and Pap were ecstatic as well. So here I am, planning a wedding and doing it all on my own, it is going to be an exciting year. I think the wedding planning will make it go fast. He knows how I love to design, bedazzle, and do everything myself so he is excited to see what I come up with. We have picked a date, August 31, 2013 and guess where we are doing it? The Outer Banks, NC. At first I thought it would be hard to have the wedding, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought, “Dad would love an OBX beach wedding and this is totally the kind of wedding Kel and I would have…” We are going to rent a house for the week prior to the wedding, Kelly’s parents are going to come down and Blair, Justin, Mom, Pap and a few others will be there too. We are going to have a kickass week with all of us there and then we are going to end the vacation with our wedding! Then Kel and I are going on another week vacation for our honeymoon! I will keep you posted with all of the updates; it is going to be an exciting year!

I have to get back to work dad, I will finish up later! I love you!

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