Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Far Behind....

Far Behind by Candlebox came on my Ipod and it made me think of you. I can see us rocking out to this song with the top back in the beamer. You want to know something funny? Guess what made me think of adding this song to my Ipod last night? Kenny Powers! Yes sir, season three is now out, can you believe it?! I remember anxiously awaiting season two with you. Every time I see anything resembling Kenny Powers it makes me think of you. Gosh, we were obsessed with that show, weren’t we? I remember the one week we watched season one, episode four, every night when I got home from work. “You look like a busted Daytona stripper in that shit!” For those of you reading this blog, check out the show. (Iif you are sensitive to crude humor and/or get offended easily, disregard this suggestion!)

I know that lately I have not written in this blog, you know me I go through phases and I am huge on handwriting stuff, but for some reason I thought that just in case something were to happen to my books I have written to you, I better write the occasional blog entry. I would be devastated if something were to happen to the books I have written to you. The other night Kel and I were talking and it was funny because I thought I had left a candle on in our bedroom and I got nervous that the house may burn down. Kel very casually responded with, "as long as you and the dogs are out of the house and safe, let it burn, we are insured." I responded with, "what about all of our stuff?!" and he said as long as I have you and the pups, I am good (he is so sweet!) but I told him that "I would want to make sure that all of our pictures, cards to one another, my journals and books I have wrote to my dad were safe!" He suggested going to get a fireproof safe. I think I am going to do that in the near future. Like I said, I would be devastated if I lost all my memories, I don't really care about the materialistic things, they can be replaced. I would however try to save my few pairs of True Religion jeans and Kel and my blanket collection…. Hahaha but I digress….

Miyajima Island with the deer! So cold that day!!
The last time I have written to you (electronically) was back in October, where has the time gone? I could try and do a full blown catch-up session, however I think that you know what has been going on in the fabulous life of your daughter. There have been a few ups and downs over the last few months, but you know me, I always have and always will land on my feet. I have a lot of great times recently, so the bad times are swept under the rug. Holla! Guess what Kel and I did during Christmas and New Years? Explored a far, far away land, hello JAPAN! Did you ever think that you would hear me say that I spent almost a month in Japan and absolutely LOVED everything about it? Yeah, I never thought that I would hear myself say that either, but dad, it was awesome. I was exposed to a whole new culture and it was beautiful. The people, the food, the scenery, everything was just wonderful. I plan to write a whole Japan chapter in the book I am currently writing, I will be sure to post it once I complete it. Until then I will attach some great pictures for your viewing pleasure!
So what else is new with me? I am currently writing a book, I plan to have it done by my 25th birthday. That is an ambitious goal considering my level of busyness lately, yet I am going to try my hardest. These next few months are going to be pretty busy for me, but I am looking forward to what is coming up! For starters, this weekend Blair and I are road tripping up to Pittsburgh to spend the weekend with Kel’ family, I love going up there and spending time with them, I always have such a good time. Delaney is growing up so fast, every time I go up there she gets taller and more mature, she is such an awesome kid and so smart!
At the end of the month Blair, Mom and I are going on a weekend trip to the OBX for mom’s birthday. I am really looking forward to that trip, we are going to sip some wine on the beach and kick back. We are also having a photo shoot done of us girls, that is going to be a blast. I love pictures!
Well dad, I hate to run, but I have to get back to work, lunch time is over. I am going to try and type more in this blog as opposed to handwriting stuff…you know…just in case. Haha. Love and miss you SO much. Enjoy the pics!
On the ferry over to Miyajima
Us on NYE

New Year's good luck bite from the chinese dragon!

We were singing karioke!

Kel sharing with the deer!

Chowin down on some squid!
Kel and Terry at Terry's bar, you would love this spot!

I loved Japanese architecture!

How they see Americans!

PS, I put a small excerpt from Chapter One of my book in the post below. I still need to edit it, but thought I would give you a taste of where I am going with it.

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