Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The impossible is possible tonight

I am becomming a huge fan of Pandora lately...simply because one of the playlists I have plays all of the songs we used to jam to on the way to soccer.  Coincidence? Or are you up there controlling it? Haha, that would be pretty awesome if you were.

Anyway, I heard 5 songs this morning in a row...all of them reminded me of being in the Four Runner and you taking me to practice/game/tournament/etcs.... Man, the music back during the soccer days was awesome!

They came on in this order this morning (on Pandora)

1. Marcy's Playground-Sex&Candy
2. Smashing Pumpkins-Tonight Tonight
3. Cake-Never There
4. Soundgarden-Black Hole Sun
5. Better Than Ezra-Good

My favorite out of that list has to be the Smashing Pumpkins song....

"Time is never time at all
You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth
And our lives are forever changed
We will never be the same
The more you change the less you feel
Believe, believe in me, believe
That life can change, that you're not stuck in vain
We're not the same, we're different tonight
Tonight, so bright

And you know you're never sure
But you're sure you could be right
If you held yourself up to the light
And the embers never fade in your city by the lake
The place where you were born

Believe, believe in me, believe
In the resolute urgency of now
And if you believe there's not a chance tonight
Tonight, so bright

We'll crucify the insincere tonight
We'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight
We'll find a way to offer up the night tonight
The indescribable moments of your life tonight
The impossible is possible tonight
Believe in me as I believe in you, tonight"

Hope you are up there jammin.

Love and miss you Dad

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I wear you with me everyday

Hey dad! How are you today? It is hot out there so I hope you are somewhere on a beach! I am getting ready to go to the Outer Banks on Saturday, I am super excited, but at the same time I am a little apprehensive about going down there. That place has a lot of great memories with you in them. It is going to be rough to drive down past the Currituck Club and see the “Teet” (Harris Teeter….hahaha remember that nickname?!) We are staying in Salvo, I am not sure where that is in relation to Corolla, but regardless, being in the OBX and driving on that beach road into the OBX is going to bring back so many memories. Good ones…so many good ones.  I miss those days and I think about them quite often actually. I remember how excited we all used to get when it was time to go to the OBX, it was something we all looked forward to. I miss the group of family and friends that used to come down with us, I miss the huge dinners you used to cook everyone, I miss the karaoke bar we used to go to (Sundogs…where I always got my five minutes of fame!), I miss playing all the goofy games in our pool with a beer in hand…all those memories are ones that I will always remember to a tee. I still say the OBX is my favorite place in the world. I have been so many great places lately, but you know what? I have to say that OBX is my favorite, probably because it has you in the memories. Anyway, sorry for going on an OBX tangent. I tend to do that with everyone that asks me about the OBX. Ha, I am sure Kel has heard all my fun stories 100 times. This is going to be his first adventure to an East Coast beach, he is in for a good time. We are going down with a good buddy of ours, Schultz… and about 8 other people. Kel is a surfer, so I think I am going to have to show off some of my surfing skills. HAHA oh my gosh… do you remember all the surfing adventures and the extra large board...? How could you forget, right?  HAHAHA I just laughed out loud thinking about it. Em, Gabby and I were so ridiculous, walking the beaches with our surf boards, just for show. Then one year we finally got lessons (thanks to P & P), I guess they were tired of seeing us bust our ass on the waves. Like I said above, so many good memories. Soooooo this Saturday, we will be heading down…probably for one last hoorah, I don’t think I will go back after this time..Mom doesn’t plan on ever going back and I doubt Blair wants to go back either. It is just too hard and full of too many memories for Mom to handle. I will be thinking of you, as usual.

Moving on, enough OBX reminiscing.

I was cleaning last night and listening to Pandora radio (in case you don’t know what Pandora is, it is a radio app on my iPhone), I was listening to my rock, classic rock & 80’s hair bands stations. Whenever a song came on that I knew you would like I wrote it down on a piece of paper. I am weird sometimes, lol, but I thought it was necessary to document every song that came on that reminded me of something you would jam to. Remember last May when I made you all those CD’s with your favorite music? Well I decided to make you another “Daddy J Mix” CD. Wanna know what was on it??? I am going to have to pluck my memory because I don’t have the sheet I wrote all the songs down on with me. I may add some more I think you would like on the list…no repeats from Mix #1, 2, &3 though, promise!  

Blinded by the Light-Manfred Mann’s Earth Band
Pride and Joy-Stevie Ray Vaughn
I Remember You-Skid Row
Dirty Deeds-ACDC
Simple Man – Lynyrd Skinner
I Wanna Rock – Twisted Sister
You Don’t Know How it Feels – Tom Petty
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
Look At Little Sister-Stevie Ray Vaughan
War Pigs-Black Sabbath
All Right Now-Free
Smells Like Teen Spirit-Nirvana
Don’t Fear The Reaper-The Blue Oyster Cult
Separate Ways-Journey
Free Ride-The Edgar Winter Group
Slow Ride-Foghat

I think that is a pretty awesome mix if I do say so myself! You would approve! If you were here I would put it on a CD for you and then call you everyday to check and see if you rocked out to it. Hahaha remember when I did that for two weeks in a row last time I made you the CDs? I called you every day for two weeks and asked if you had listened to them yet, for TWO WEEKS I got the same response, “nope, not yet!” I remember finally calling you and getting the “yes they were great” response. I was so happy that you finally listened to the darn things!

Well dad, I will catch up with you later, I have some business to handle! I love you!!! Miss you much.

Oh, PS. I have a new necklace that I wear everyday now. Allison gave it to me, it is a heart with a picture of you in it. She gave it to me a while ago but I finally put it on a chain, I love it. I wear you with me everyday =)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Love and miss you more each day.

Hey there! I know it has been a while since I last wrote, I have drawn you a few pictures and notes, but lately I have just been mentally exhausted and unable to write. I feel guilty each day that passes and I don’t open your blog, some days slip right by me and other days I have all the time in the world but don’t have the emotional strength to write to you.  I know you aren’t holding it against me, but you know me… I always worry about everything. HA. A lot has been going on lately, so I doubt I will be able to catch you up on it all today, but in the near future I am going to have a lot more time on my hands, so don’t worry I will catch you up. Love and miss you more each day.