Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Always on our mind and forever in our heart

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October Weather!

Hey there! Happy October, I cannot believe that we are about to pass another birthday of yours without you here. The weather is starting to get colder and the leaves are beginning to change. Mom and I were talking last night as we were walking all three dogs…she told me about how you too loved this time of year, especially when Blair and I were little.  I like hearing stories about you that I have never heard before, I feel some sort of connection, like you are still here or something. It is such an odd feeling because it makes me happy and so sad at the same time, it makes me miss you and I start to think about all the things I will never get to share with you, but then I remember all the great times I did get the opportunity to share with you. I don’t know, I am just all over the map lately in regards to my emotions. I was telling mom last night that I remember certain things so vividly, a lot of things actually…but I remember this time of year and how your cheeks felt when you came in from letting the dogs out or taking the trash out. You would always go “Brrrrrr! It is chilly out there!” and I remember one time I grabbed your cheeks and said “let me feel!” I don’t remember what year it was, but I remember exactly how your cheeks felt, how weird huh!?I wish you were here so I could grab your cheeks again! Haha.

I wanted to show you some pictures of your fish tank, I was so happy when I went down to Skip’s house and saw it. I hadn’t seen it since they took it down there.  I was so impressed with how well he has kept the tank. Also, I was absolutely ecstatic that the majority of your fish, coral and other things were alive. You would be so happy with it.

Love and miss you so much dad.
